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Massive Multi-Player Networking Technology

Simulation, Training, and Gaming Software

Cybernet's OpenSkies Network Technology is a patent pending, distributed IEEE 1516 / DMSO 1.3 interoperable High Level Architecture (HLA) implementation and supporting network server technology for the real-time data transfer of dynamic game network content. What does this mean to you?

Imagine a simulation or game environment that is inherently interoperable with Defense Department standards, and has virtually no limit to where you can play or how many players with whom you play.

Imagine network performance good enough for the most demanding first person shooter game or your most demanding command and control / situation understanding application.

Imagine cutting your multi-player network set-up and operating costs in half, with commercial off-the-shelf reliability.

The OpenSkies model and implementation components can do this and more.

The OpenSkies Real-Time Intelligent Routing technology provides a low-cost, high performance solution that is easy to implement into games and simulations, making them Defense Department HLA compliant. Supporting this networking technology is a fully customizable simulation engine with full IEEE 1516 / DMSO 1.3 interoperable HLA messaging, multi-level security, DIS and HLA gateways, network chat, terrain management, dynamics, and realistic rendering that is integrated fully with the OpenSkies communications model.

All OpenSkies materials are copyright, Cybernet Systems Corp.
Copyright Notice and License

Further Reading:

Download our OpenSkies SDK Datasheet

Visit our VSIL Website